Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Food Talk in the BC Election 2009

It is the eve of a new provincial government in BC and I am reflecting on the last 28 days of campaigning. My electoral area, Shuswap-Monashee saw some interesting topics debated, the first all candidates meeting was organized by the Food Action Society of the North Okanagan. Food is a strong topic here as a core agriculture area in BC. The meat regulations was interestingly the one topic that all candidates supported some kind of reform/review, but that was about it. The liberal candidate generally dismissed food issues, and confirmed he would not support core funding for food intitiatives. The NDP candidate was supportive of many questions, but I was so disappointed in his knowledge of most issues, he just did not know. The conservative candidate was generally against spending any money on anything, (ok predictable), but again really didn't know the food issues. The green candidate, is a well known food advocate and outspoken community leader, she spoke well on the issues overall in particular around meat regulations, funding for core local programs, and the links between food and climate change. But none of them were able to speak to the issues that linked poverty and food access.

At this moment, an ex. liberal MLA is discussing food/agriculture on cbc radio, she discussed the agricultural plan as an amazing achievement by the liberals. Hah, our liberal candidate stated he would not increase funding for the Ministry of Agriculture, it is the lowest by far in funding across Canada, and according to people within the Ministry (pers. comm.) there is no way they can implement many of the objectives of this plan, since they have no money for any of their programs.

Only a few hours till we know the fate of the next four years, but despite the outcome of the election we can all still focus on working in our communities, supporting our farmers, and working for change.

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